Friday, October 30, 2009


Since I have been writing this blog, I have learned more about issues related to abortion, which is the termination of a pregnancy. Because I have been doing research about this topic, I have learned about the arguments on both sides of the issue. Before, I knew mostly about the side of abortion that I support, which is pro-life. Now I know just as much about the pro-choice point of view. Even though I know more about the pro-choice stance, I still kept my same view points. Because I am strongly opinionated about this topic, it was hard for me to not be biased. I made sure that every opinion I stated was backed with factual information.

I knew from the beginning that I wanted my topic to be about abortion. However, I was not sure how I was going to argue that abortion should be illegal without bringing ethics and morals into question. I ended up arguing that there could be a compromise between the pro-life and pro-choice side of the abortion argument. I did not even believe there could be a compromise between the two sides on any topic because their viewpoints are so polarized. However, by researching both sides I found that they can agree on some smaller issues related to abortion. This in turn could help decrease the number of abortions. The first information that I found out was that the number of abortions have already been decreasing in the past few years. I learned that the use of contraceptives is being questioned more and more by the pro-life supporters. The most interesting information that I discovered was that there are some Democratic representatives that are trying to pass legislation to decrease the number of abortions. Also, I learned that more women suffer from Post Abortion Syndrome than I thought.

This blog has also helped me with my writing. I had never been really good at argumentative papers, and now I feel like I would do a better job because I have learned that in order to write a good argumentative paper, you have to understand both sides of the argument. Knowing the other side helps you to formulate your argument around their arguments. Understanding the ethics behind the pro-choice side of the argument helped me to find factual information to back up my pro-life side.

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