Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Healthcare and Abortion

Recently I read an article about how the Obama Administration, along with other Democratic Congressmen are trying to sneak federal government funded abortions into the healthcare reform. This would mean that public funds would be used to pay for women having abortions. Even though President Obama stated many times that federal money would not be used to fund abortions, the bills that are being greatly considered would place the government in the position of paying for elective abortions. The Senate Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions committee approved for the "Affordable Health Choices Act" which would greatly expand the number of abortions because nearly all healthcare and insurance plans would cover abortions. The Obama Administration claims that women that do not have healthcare insurance will be able to get reproductive healthcare access.

Abortion should not be considered in reproductive healthcare coverage. Reproductive healthcare coverage would include visits to an OB/GYN, an in vitro fertilization, contraceptive methods, or receiving drugs related to infertility/pregnancies. If a woman makes the decision to have an abortion then it should be up to her to pay for it or her insurance. It should not be funded by the federal government.

The Republican Congressmen should strongly oppose this and other bills that would allow federal funding for abortion. They should also work actively to get some Democratic Congressmen to oppose this bill. Since the House and Senate are predominantly Democrats, this bill would most likely be approved. If Pro-Life Republicans can compromise to allow healthcare bills involving the reproductive healthcare concerns listed above, then Pro-Choice Democrats should not allow for abortions to be covered. The number of abortions would most definitely rise, and as I have stated previously in other blogs, I do not believe the majority of people neccessarily want that.

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