Friday, October 23, 2009

PAS: Myth? Or not?

A condition that many psychologists have researched in relation to abortions has been PAS. PAS stands for Post Abortion Syndrome. Studies have shown that after having an abortion, some women suffer from depression and guilt about having an abortion. PAS has not been medically accepted as a legitimate mental disorder. However, many women who have undergone the abortion procedure claim that it is a real medical issue.

Because this disorder cannot be compared from person to person it's hard to medically prove that abortion causes this mental depression. Some women experience guilt, anxiety, depression, preoccupation with becoming pregnant again, alcohol and drug abuse, and even thoughts of suicide. Studies in some countries have shown that women that have had abortions are 3 times more likely to commit suicides than women that have not.

Pro-choice supporters argue that this syndrome is a myth and that if the woman does experience any guilt or depression after the procedure it is because she did not have proper clinical therapy before and after. Well, if PAS is not a legitimate concern then why would women need clinical therapy before and after the procedure? The women that do not have this therapy before the abortion are the ones who have depression problems post-procedure. Pro-life psychologists need to inform women of these issues before they consider the abortion, and they need to inform them that it is a real concern. Pro-Choice psychologists should research into the issue more so that more women can be informed. If women were informed better about the possible mental disorders that could accompany the abortion procedure with research studies, they might not consider having the procedure.


  1. With any action, there will be some type of consequence that occurs, and I believe that with abortions, PAS DOES occur. While I do believe that a woman has the right to choose, I also do believe that there are some risks that come along with having an abortion, such as PAS. Despite these risks, I feel that it is ultimately up to the woman to decide. As long as she is informed, as you stated at the end of your blog, then it is ultimately her decision.

    Post traumatic stess disorder occurs in soldiers coming back from the war in Iraq, but our country is not abandoning war; so, should we really eliminate the right to choose because of POS?

  2. I don't believe that PAS should be the reason (if there is one discovered) why abortion should become illegal. Like you said women that have abortions take that risk of potentially having PAS. However, I believe that if more women are informed about PAS then they will be less likely to have abortions. This way the number of abortions could decrease.

  3. I think this post brings up a problem that many people do not talk about, or do not even know regarding abortions. I like the way in which you put two different points of view on PAS. It was interesting to see that the pro-choice organization believed that PAS was a myth. And it was also interesting to see the pro-life organization's information about how PAS affects women. Although I do believe that a woman should have a choice in whether or not to have an abortion, I still think that it is a serious procedure. It affects the woman, who is having the abortion, in an emotional and physical way. I do not think that PAS should be taken lightly.

  4. I'm glad you agree with this idea. Speaking of affecting the woman in an emotional and physical way, I'm posting a post about the physical problems that could also be associated with abortions. Women should be informed about both of these risks before she undergoes the procedure.

  5. A would agree that PAS is a psychological problem. Like you said earlier, if it's not a problem then why would someone need therapy. However, I think this is a problem similar to that which can occur with anyone who has killed another person. Without getting into the definition of when the baby is considered a person, the mothers realize that eventually the child would without a doubt grow up and be a person, and if the mothers choose abortion, then they are eliminating the chance for the child to grow up. This is similar to a police officer or military personnel who might have shot and killed someone and suffers similar depression symptoms. I'm not saying that the mothers who choose abortion are killing their child, but I am saying that it relates to anyone who has killed another person whether for self-defense or for war.

  6. This is a true statement. It's the same type of depression. If this depression is the same as the depression that say a police officer gets when he shoots someone, then shouldn't fetus being aborted be considered a human life taken? This is where the moral and ethical issues come in.
