Thursday, November 5, 2009


Abortion is a topic that has always been controversial. The viewpoints of the pro-life and pro-choice supporters are so polarized that it is highly unlikely that this topic will ever be not controversial. Since our nation has become more liberal, it is also unlikely that the abortion issue will ever be solved. The reason for this is that abortion is a topic of morals and ethics. There is no logic or scientific proof to claim that abortion should be illegal. However, in this blog I have discussed how the two sides can compromise about some specific ideas related to abortion. Since I do believe that this issue will remain unresolved, I can only hope that these compromises will help to at least decrease the number of abortions.

The usage of contraception right now is increasing in the whole world. Many claim that abortions are decreasing because of this. If pro-life supporters will support and continue to support the idea of contraception, then I believe the abortion number will decrease. Also, many "crisis pregnancy centers" are being built near abortion clinics which discourages women from having abortions.

Abortion is going to remain a controversial subject related to ethics. This will prevent abortion from ever being illegal. Even though abortion will most likely never become illegal, I think the number of abortions will continue to decrease because the numbers have been steadily decreasing since 1990 (as you can see in this chart).



    I read this article a while back and thought that you might like it. It has to deal with how abortion may be responsible for lower crime rates after Roe v. Wade. I do not know where I stand on the topic, I just thought that this was an interesting read.

  2. I understand where this point comes from. The woman that had the abortion probably couldn't care for the child financially, or would have been a single parent. If she had kept the child, it would have been raised in a unstable home. However, this is where I believe that adoption should still be considered. Many well-off and loving families want to adopt a child. They would be able to take care of it in a stable environment, and this would ensure that the child would not be as likely to engage in criminal activity. Thanks for showing me the article.
